Those violent Democrats are at it again. This time, Arizona Democrat scum Rep. Jesus Rubalcava made a Facebook post, then
Tag: Corruption
Judicial Watch: Adam Schiff disclosed classified information
Two California Democrats, Adam Schiff and Jackie Speier disclosed classified information to the public in violation of House ethics rules
Susan Rice gets Four Pinocchios for lie about chemical weapons removed from Syria
I’m in a state of shock. The left wing propaganda fish wrap Washington Post actually gave Susan Rice Four Pinocchios
Susan Rice New York speech mysteriously gets cancelled
Susan Rice’s speech in Rochester, New York was cancelled at the last minute. The speech was set for April 8th
Seattle Democrat Mayor accused of raping crack-addicted teen
Seattle is basically San Francisco of the Pacific Northwest, so it’s not surprising their Democrat mayor, Ed Murray is accused
Wikileaks confirms Seth Rich was DNC Leaker
Seth Rich, a former DNC staffer who was murdered last July (with no followup) has been revealed by Wikileaks as
Obama State Department in 2014 lying tweet about Syria
I guess Obama and Kerry’s State Department forgot to scrub a few tweets before they left office. Like this one
Obama lied! US intelligence says Assad didn’t turn over all chemical weapons
Obama and Susan Rice lied again! US intelligence reports are now saying Bashir Al-Assad didn’t turn over all chemical weapons
Susan Rice’s husband has ABC go to bat for her
Finally, ABC got interested in covering the Susan Rice unmasking story. But as you’d expect, they are trying to spin
Obama’s CIA Director Brennan targeted Trump supporters
You had the know Muslim convert John Brennan, Obama’s CIA thug was involved in the ObamaGATE scandal as well. Turns