Poor Sneaky Dianne Feinstein. She thought she’d protect the Democrats and Fusion GPS by releasing the transcript of the testimony
Tag: Corruption
Obama shared Israeli intelligence with Tehran about attempt to assassinate Qassem Soleimani
While the media loses their shit over Trump’s “shithole countries” correct remarks earlier, they continue to ignore this bombshell that
Figures – ‘Death’ related to publication of Fusion-GPS was just speculation
In a way, I am angry, but also relieved. After reading the August 2017 testimony by Fusion GPS lawyer Josh
Sneaky Diane Feinstein – was the release of Fusion GPS illegal?
I hope Sneaky Diane Feinstein taught Trump a good lesson yesterday. After Trump appeared ready to give Feinstein everything she
Huma Weiner isn’t divorcing Carlos Danger anymore
Huma Abedin, who may one day end up in jail, just like her husband for not only having classified e-mails
Who was killed over publication of Fusion GPS dossier?
Fusion GPS attorney Joshua Levy made the stunning statement during his testimony last August in front of Congress over the
Fusion GPS chief Glenn Simpson misinformed the Judiciary Committee about Papadopoulis
Diane Feinstein release of Fusion GPS’ chief Glenn Simpson congressional testimony transcript was an attempt to try and minimize the
Glenn Simpson Congressional testimony transcript released
The slimy head of Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson who testified before Congress in August of 2017 has seen the transcripts
Indiana Democrat Stephen Clay accused of groping 14 year old boy
What do Democrats do with their own members accused of groping a 13 or 14 year old boy? In the
Peter Strzok and Lisa Page had contacts with media, leaked Russia meddling probe information
And now back to reality. The two FBI hacks who are a part of Mueller’s Trump witch hunt apparently had