This was awesome! Loudmouth CNN hack Jim Acosta wanted to ask President Trump a question and Trump denied him. Whiny
Tag: CNN
CNN doesn’t know the difference between Virginia and North Carolina
Today was an unfortunate day in Charlottsville, Virginia. One female was killed when a domestic terrorist rammed his car into
CNN on Trump: the government’s gonna kill Donald Trump
CNN’s Phillip Mudd has high dreams which is why CNN hired him. Mudd says that the deep state is going
CNN ‘reporting from a bunker’ in Hawaii
Back in 1990, CNN did fake news reporting they claimed in Saudi Arabia. Turned out it was a set in
Kayleigh McEnany ditches CNN, joins RNC
Kayleigh McEnany was typically the one actual Republican that would appear on one of CNN’s “panels” stacked with 5 or
CNN Fake Jake Tapper now reporting on LEGO convention and Trump versions
Here’s some more “hard hitting” journalism from CNN and clown Fake Jake Tapper. Apparently Tapper went to a Lego convention
CNN: Mueller’s investigation of Trump is going too far
No, CNN hasn’t jumped the shark. But they’ve come close to it. They let a Republican named Matthew Whitaker actually
CNN military analyst reports Dana Loesch-NRA to Twitter for hate speech
You have your main clowns at CNN like Jim Acosta, Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, Gloria Borger and Chris Cuomo. You
Google Acosta in English, get this result
CNN clown Jim Acosta tried to make a name for himself this past week by claiming the new merit based
Stephen Miller for White House communication director?
Cosmopolitan Jim Acosta may have made a star out of Stephen Miller. He’s now being considered for White House Communications