We knew that Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein were BFFs. But according to Prince Andrew’s ex-girlfriend, they were even closer

We knew that Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein were BFFs. But according to Prince Andrew’s ex-girlfriend, they were even closer
In yet another coincidence , another reporter who exposed the Clinton Crime Family. Christopher Sign is dead. Christopher Sign, who
The Clinton’s were dead broke. Bless their heart. They struggle so much that Bill BJ Clinton is now smoking $1,000
In the first election to test Killary’s popularity, it was a wipe-out. Rep. Marjorie Margolies who was running for Congress
Chelsea Clinton pregnant. Since the enter Democrat motto is abortion, shouldn’t she have one? Do you really want a grandmother
Bill Clinton reportedly has made multiple trips to a private island with Clinton fundraiser Jeffrey Epstein that has underage sex
BJ Bill Clinton is like the Energizer Bunny. He keeps going, and going and going. Bill Clinton posed for a
Uh oh. BJ Bill Clinton just bitch-slapped Obama over ObamaCARE. The Clinton/Obama war may be back on. BJ Clinton probably
Heh. Another subtle jab by BJ Bill Clinton while ‘campaigning’ for Obama. BJ Clinton said that Mitt Romney is right.
Revenge of the stained dress! Monica Lewinsky is set to publish ‘secret love letters’ to BJ Bill Clinton from the