So Bill Gates is another agent of China. Not really a big surprise, but using his search engine Bing to

So Bill Gates is another agent of China. Not really a big surprise, but using his search engine Bing to
Freedom of speech has been dead in this country for years now, especially when you speak out against Marxism or
So apparently now, Donald Trump’s “voice” is now banned from Facebook. They removed a live streamed interview of Lara Trump
Looking to ditch Osama Bin Dorsey’s Twitter cabal and jump to Parler? You may be able to sooner than expect
Apparently, sending tweets to people with family members undergoing open heart surgery is considered “potentially sensitive content.” If you embed
And just like that, 8Chan gets pulled offline by big tech because the El Paso terrorist’s manifesto first appeared on
More censorship from Jack Dorsey and Twitter. The phrase “illegal alien” has been designated by Twitter as hate speech and
Normally, when Twitter forces tweets to be deleted they contain actual threats, racism or hate speech. That’s not the case
Kris ‘Tanto’ Paronto, a survivor of Benghazi was angered by Obama calling it a conspiracy theory. As Obama campaigned for
Are Obama and his minions controlling Zuckerberg and Facebook now? Natural News posted a famous Gandhi quote about gun control