I see Lindsey Graham is finally back to normal. After actually destroy the Democrats and media for their smears on
Tag: Amnesty
Amnesty – giving people who broke the law entering the United States a free pass and giving them citizenship. NO AMNESTY! The mistake as made in 1986!
Feinstein, Democrats: Americans have an obligation to give amnesty to millions of foreign nationals
Diane Feinstein and the Democrats think you, the American people who pay your taxes, work hours every week just to
Democrats ram DACA amnesty bill through House
Instead of dealing with the border crisis and applying pressure to Mexico to either help the control of illegals over

The Federalist – let’s loosen immigration laws, because Mollie Tibbetts
I used to love reading The Federalist. Then today, they are pushing looser immigrant laws and citing of all things,
Schumer refuses deal to end child separation: wants to keep focus on Trump instead
Little shyster Chuckie Schumer revealed what anyone with a brain already knew. Democrats don’t actually want to fix the child
Chuck Schumer 2009: Illegal Immigration is wrong, plain and simple
Even after Obama became POTUS in 2009, Chuck the shyster Schumer was against illegal alien. Schumer actually said on video
California state assembly votes to expand Medicaid to illegal aliens
California legal citizens now get to officially pay for illegal alien’s Medicaid (called Medi-Cal) in the Moonbeam state. We’ve been
Democrat bitch and moan about how Trump treated illegals in cages, then realize it was Obama
Liberals progressive Democrats would never criticize anything Hussein Obama did. Yesterday was a major epic fail for “big name” liberal
Wow! Obama treated illegal aliens like dogs, kept them in cages
Whatever you think of illegal aliens invading this country from the south because Democrats want them as new voters, keeping
MS-13 gangbanger named Animal gets 40 years in prison for killing Boston teen
Remember a few weeks ago when Democrats and the media were so offended over Trump calling MS-13 terrorists/gangbangers animals? Well,