I really wish Elon Musk would sue the shit out of The View, the hags on it and ABC/Disney and

I really wish Elon Musk would sue the shit out of The View, the hags on it and ABC/Disney and
Well, this is certainly one thing neither Joy Behar or the rest of the pigs on The View will ever
They have nothing to play, so of course it’s back to the race card for The Spew, and the insurance
Even when a city has basically gone up in flames and has been wiped off the map, the media clowns
Good! The little Clinton weasel is crapping his pants and may be out of a job next year at ABC/Disney…
Do it Tulsi! Obviously the little worm George Stephanopoulos and the clowns at ABC/Disney haven’t learned their lessons from the
The little Clinton dwarf apparently couldn’t handle being destroyed and ratioed by people on Twitter/X after ABC/Disney and Stephanopoulos were
And in yet more karma news, the little weasel at ABC/Disney news, and Clinton Crime Family lackey, George Stephanopoulos have
I love watching the left eat themselves… Now the hags at The Spew, especially “Sunny” Hostin are big mad that
The lying pig, Whoopi Goldberg suddenly went missing from The View today after the owners of Holtermann’s Bakery on Staten