I’m really starting to like the new face of the communist Democrats, Aside from Maxine Waters there’s crazy communist Alexandria

I’m really starting to like the new face of the communist Democrats, Aside from Maxine Waters there’s crazy communist Alexandria
Democrats are really sad. They are communists at heart and don’t like to hear about a booming economy with record
There’s a reason why progressive Democrats are always trying to turn America into a third-world country. They hate the country,
Turns out Communist Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez really is a perfect fit for the Democrat. She invited known anti-Semite and racist
Looks like Brooklyn and Queens are ready for some socialism. Joe Crowley, a Democrat who was named as a possible
After a weekend long of liberal fascism, Obama hack and Democrat candidate for governor Richard Cordray was caught on video
Sherrod Brown is one of the nuttiest, crazy and looniest Senators there are. He’s’ right up there with fake injun
I’ll give liberal Democrat pig Bill Maher a little credit here. At least the dude is honest. Bill Maher, like
If you thought Keith Ellison was anti-Israel, get a load of Ilhan Omar, a Democrat running to replace Ellison in
Remember when the media and Democrats (really all the same these days) were so giddy about California? The media was