Obama doesn’t seem to give a sh*t if Iran gets a nuke. He doesn’t give a crap about our troop’s
Ron Paul to Candy Crowley – Social Conservatism: ‘I Think It’s a Losing Position’
I’m not as big on social conservative issues as some people (like Rick Santorum.) But will hurt conservatives during this
Rick Santroum destroys CBS hack Bob Schieffer over false claims of his dead infant son being stillborn (Video)
How low will left wing hacks like Bob Schieffer go to cover for Obama? They make false claims about a GOP
Romney, Santorum, and Ron Paul beat Obama in Iowa
Iowa has voted Republican once for president since 1984. The year was 2004 when DUBYA beat John Heinz Kerry. In
Paul Ryan on Meet the Press – Obama treats our constitutional rights as if they were revocable privileges from our government (Video)
Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan made Meet the Press “moderator” David Gregory and Maryland Marxist Rep. Chris Van Holland squirm as
Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu admits he’s gay – resigns as Mitt Romney’s state co-chairman
I don’t have a problem with Sheriff Paul Babeu because he’s gay. I frankly can care less. What I am
ESPN (owned by Disney/ABC) describes Jeremy Lin’s bad game as “Chink in the Armor”
Now stop and think for a second. If Fox News even remotely made the reference to Chinese NBA player Jeremy Lin
Left wing biased Mediaite deems Virginia’s ultrasound before abortion law “Occupy Vagina”
There are many things I personally don’t like about the site Mediaite. It’s left wing bias being one the most
ObamaCARE contraception mandate’s authors gave $116,500 To pro-abortion Marxist candidates
Just more of the Chicago style pay to play from the Obama regime. While fat cakes Michelle Obama goes on
MaherTard – Only the Neo Nazi party and Kirk Cameron to the right of Rick Santrum (Video)
In Obamaland, or in the idiot “mind” of Bill Maher the tard, the only thing to the “right” of Rick