Forgive my ignorance, but I thought the Wyoming caucuses weren’t until after Super Tuesday? I see nothing (at the time
After two American soliders killed by Muslim fanatics in Afghanistan Obama claims his apology “calmed things down”
In yet another fawning, damage control interview by ABC, Obama had the audacity to claim that after two American soldiers were killed
Report: Rick Santorum raised $9 million from over 130,000 contributors in February
Doesn’t look like Rick Santorum is going to be able to whine much longer about Mittens outspending him so much.
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer destroys CNN hack Piers Morgan over finger-tarmac issue (Video)
The batsh*t crazy Obama licking media is still up in arms over that Jan Brewer/Hussein Obama tarmac/finger pointing last month.
Delegate allocation from Michigan GOP primary: 15 for both Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum
Mitt Romney may have won the popular vote in the Michigan primary last night, but he didn’t win more congressional
Dumb! Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta claims he has no knowledge of $750,000 Guantanamo Bay soccer field (Video)
Either Leon Panetta is full of it, or this is just how the Obama regime does their communications. While being
Senators launch investigation into Obama’s public relations and advertising spending
With Obama’s use of taxpayer funds on his public relations and advertising spending, Republican Senator Rob Portman of Ohio has
Florida Senate race: Connie Mack 41%, Marxist Bill Nelson 41%
One of the more interesting (and important) Senate races are in Florida this year. Marxist Democrat Bill Nelson is in
Obama Energy Secretary Steven Chu admits the regime has no interest in lower gas prices
What’s next? Is Steven Chu going to admit he hopes gas prices go up to Europe levels at $9-10 per
Wisconsin Senate race – Every Republican running beats Marxist Democrat Rep. Tammy Baldwin
The Republicans are poised to cease control of the Senate this year away from the Marxist Democrats and current leader