After comparing Phil Robertson to Rosa Park’s bus driver, race pimp and CEP of the grievance industry Jesse Jackson wants
Conrad Alvin Barrett white charged with federal hate crime in knockout game
Conrad Alvin Barrett is some white trash who decided to play the ‘knockout game’ on a black man in Texas.
New taxes in ObamaCARE coming in 2014
As if ObamaCARE itself isn’t bad enough, get ready for some brand new taxes in less than a week as
Obama photo op time as visits troops in Hawaii
Obama finally got off the golf course just long enough for a Valerie Jarrett arranged photo op with Marines in
8 ways to opt out of ObamaCare
For those of you who want health care coverage, but don’t want to be subject to socialized medicine of ObamaCARE,
Eliot Spitzer Client Number Nine getting a divorce
Eliot Spitzer, best known as Client Number Nine when got caught in a prostitution scandal was the Democrat governor of
Santa Susana Pass Brush fire in Simi Valley
Santa Susana Pass brush fire has broken out in Simi Valley likely sparked by hot, dry Santa Ana winds. Many
Target hackers could make fraudulent withdrawls – this might be in the future
The hackers who hacked millions of credit card numbers and information from customers of Target also hacked personal PIN numbers.
Two Taliban Rockets Hit US Embassy in Kabul Afghanistan
Obama’s peace partners, the Taliban (or Tolly-Bahn) in Afghanistan is now firing rockets at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul. I
Sir Puttsalot Obama golfs about as well as he governs
Sir Puttsalot Obama isn’t much of an athlete (or a president.) I don’t know how many rounds of golf he’s