Apparently, Michelle Obama thinks you are a ‘knucklehead’ if you are young. Queen Michelle Obama made these comments on the
What’s going on in Venezuela in a nutshell – progressive leftist government VIDEO
So what’s really going on in Venezuela? The media has been so fixated on Ukraine, people might have forgotten about
Four Senators demand FBI answer for indictment of Dinesh D’Souza
Only four Republican Senators are demanding answers as to why Obama’s FBI and sent a letter to FBI director James
Proof that John Kerry’s and the left’s claim global warming science consensus is pure bs
John Kerry made the claim in Indonesia that global warming is a bigger threat to the world than Islamic terrorism.
Ukraine presidency says crisis deal reached
We’ve heard it before. The Ukraine presidency is claiming a crisis deal reached has been reached to stop the bloodshed
Bill De Blasio caravan speeding, violating traffic laws
Apparently, Communist Bill De Blasio thinks traffic laws are for peasants, and not the ruling elite. De Blasio’s gas guzzling
Sturm Ruger and Smith & Wesson produce record amount of firearms
Congratulations Obama and other progressive liberal Democrat gun grabbing extremists! Thanks to the progressive liberal Democrats’ gun grabbing policy, people
Obamacare medical device tax has already created 33,000 jobs lost
If you like your job, you can’t keep your job under ObamaCARE, period At least 33,000 jobs have been lost
Obama HHS wants full access to all your social media to ‘monitor public health’
Now Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services wants full access to all of your social media data. Obama’s HHS
Job creation by Democrat controlled congress vs. Republican controlled Congress in one chart 2004-2012
Obama likes to claim what a ‘mess’ he inherited from George W. Bush in 2009. Problem for Obama and Marxist