If Obama had a son, he’d sure not be anything like Richard Sherman. If Obama had a son, he might
Melissa Harris-Perry pronounces Marine Corps motto Semper ‘Fee’
Dumbass Melissa Harris-Perry of MSNBC is so stupid that she can’t ever pronounce the proper Marine Corps motto of Semper
6.3 earthquake slams New Zealand. Centered on North Island near Palmerston
A 6.3 earthquake has slammed New Zealand’s North Island near Palmerston. There are reports of fires, but no injuries yet.
Super Bowl XLVII – The Pot Bowl between the Broncos and Seahawks
This is why I love the Drudge Report. With the Denver Broncos taking on the Seattle Seahawks in Super Bowl
Obama says people who don’t like the job he’s doing because they are racists or something
Don’t have high opinions of Obama’s job approval? You must be racist. Progressive dictators are so tolerant, as long as
Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Wussifying of males and feminists a national security problem?
Elisabeth Hasselbeck sent the left wing nut jobs into meltdown mode by saying earlier on Fox News, that the wussifying
Sergey Taraspov author of BlackPOS malware reportedly hacked Target
Sergey Taraspov is reportedly the 17 year old Russian punk who hacked Target and sold consumer data to other hackers.
Judge Jeanine Opening Statement smashes Hillary Clinton over Benghazi
Judge Jeanine Pirro used her ‘opening statement’ on her Justice program to smash Hillary Clinton for her lies over Benghazi
Madonna calls her son a nigga – race hustlers silent
Apparently it’s ok for a leftist hags like Madonna to throw around the N-Word and get no response from the
Is Joe Scarborough pocketing money he’s required to donate?
Joe Scarborough speechgate at MSNBC? It could be. Believe it or not, some actually pay MSNBC’s token RINO to give