The good news about these Olympics in Sochi and being on NBC is it gets gun grabber and progressive hack
Bill O’Reilly throws a tantrum at Jason Chaffetz for ‘throwing a cheap shot on Obama’
Bill O’Reilly’s sucking up to Obama has gotten beyond stale at this point. His Super Bowl interview was a joke,
House GOP launches Investigation of Benghazi website
The House GOP continues to make baby steps trying to get the bottom of Benghazi. They finally decided to launch
Serpent Head James Carville becomes Fox News contributor
Serpent Head James Carville becomes Fox News contributor. In yet another attempt by Fox to move left, they hired Carville,
Max Baucus confirmed 96-0 to become US ambassador to China
Apparently, Max Baucus is qualified to be US ambassador to China. After sitting on his ass, getting rich off his
Caroline Biden (niece of Joe Biden) enters rehab for anger issues
Caroline Biden is the niece of idiot Vice President Joe Biden. So reallly is a Biden, as she’s been forced
Largest Democrat Super PAC Priorities USA to sit out the 2014 midterms
Just how much trouble are Democrats in this coming Fall’s midterm elections? It’s gotten so bad for Democrats that the
Robert Stacy McCain refutes Salon’s article praising Communism
Sometimes, the mask slips off the leftists in this country. Some idiot at Salon Magazine recently wrote an article praising
Kent Terry brother of murdered Border Patrol agent Brian Terry slams Eric Holder
Kent Terry is the brother of murdered border patrol agent Brian Terry. You remember Fast and Furious don’t you? Eric
ObamaCARE doctors crisis already hitting California
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period – Barack Hussein Obama and Senate Democrats 2009-2013. The