Time for another Michelle Obama scowl. CGI Federal has been fired from the disaster healthcare.gov site. Why is Mooch going
Obama’s war on women jobs
Obama’s big campaign in 2012 was the so called ‘war on women’ from Republican. Obama threw free birth control and
44 Times more TV Coverage of TrafficGate than six months of IRS scandal
Progressive liberal media bias is just a myth right? I’d love to hear the corrupt media’s justification of 44 times
Eric Holder ignores Gov. Gary Herbert decision, will recognize same-sex marriages in Utah
The Obama regime, and Eric Holder loved the Supreme Court when traitor John Roberts upheld ObamaCARE as a ‘tax.’ Now,
State Department finally lists Benghazi killers as terrorists
I took a year and a half, but the State Department finally listed the terrorist groups responsible for the Benghazi
Obama fudging the numbers again: only 74,000 jobs added, unemployment magically drops to 6.7%
It’s good to be King Hussein Obama. You can have the slowest monthly job growth rate in December (just 74,000)
Black thug punches Los Gatos mother in the face after dropping off daughter at a dance studio
A black thug has punched a Los Gatos mother in the face, shortly after she dropped her daughter off at
Obama’s EPA changes borders of Wyoming
Who knew Obama’s EPA had such vast power that they can change borders of states in this country? Obama’s EPA
Eric Holder scandal – Operation Choke Point (Bank shakedown)
Have you heard about Eric Holder and Operation Choke Point? It’s the latest Eric Holder/DOJ scandal in which Holder abuses
Colorado Democrat Mark Udall tried to ‘fix’ cancelled health care policy numbers
Colorado slimy Democrat Senator Mark Udall (who is up for re-election this fall) tried to pressure the Colorado Division of