Obama has had his own Dan Quayle moment, and couldn’t even spell respect properly. At yet another White House party
Rick Perry fires up crowd at CPAC (Full Speech Video)
Rick Perry gave a rousing speech that fired up the CPAC crowd today in DC. If you didn’t know any
Alan Grayson’s wife shows off her bruises from his alleged domestic violence
Alan Grayson’s wife Lolita accused him of shoving her during domestic incident. Pictures released to News 13 Orlando (via Gateway
ObamaCARE insurance marketplaces signing up few uninsured Americans
ObamaCARE’s stated goal is to get every American insured for health care. That’s the stated goal, the real goal is
Wayne LaPierre full speech at CPAC 2014
Wayne LaPierre full speech at CPAC 2014 is about the only other thing that could drive leftists as crazy as
Ayatollah Obama giving $550 million in CASH to Iran!
That nuke deal is really working great huh? Over half a billion dollars is being given by Obama to Iran
Remember when Henry Waxman threatened to kick Issa out of hearing room in 2008?
If leftists didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any at all. Just as expected, leftists are bitching and moaning
Obama’s Federal Reserve says Obamacare is screwing up economy
This is painful. I hate the Federal Reserve, but this time I have to agree with them. The Federal Reserve
Texas closes more abortion clinics – down to six remaining in the state by September
It’s really getting bad for leftists in Texas. The primary election was a disaster for Wendy Davis, a sign of
House approves $1B loan guarantee package for Ukraine
In probably the least surprising move of the today, the House has approved a billion dollar loan package to Ukraine