Are Republicans finally growing a set? After this past week of announcing a special investigator will examine the Benghazi cover-up
Bombshell Benghazi e-mail also sent to Muslim Brotherhood operative Mehdi Alhassani
Mehdi Alhassani was the leader of the Muslim Student Association (MSA), a Muslim Brotherhood front group and attended the sister
Large partnership ignored for auditing by Obama’S IRS
Over 1,000 tea party and conservative groups were targeted by Obama’s IRS for delaying approval of non-profit status, auditing, and
Democrat scum Adam Schiff wants to boycott Benghazi investigation
Democrat Adam Schiff is suddenly worried about wasting tax payer dollars! How cute! He doesn’t want to waste any on
Proof: State Dept. knew Al Qaeda Was involved in Benghazi day of attack
Killary Klinton and the State Department knew, the day of the Benghazi terrorist attack that it was the work of
The six biggest lies about Benghazi
So many lies about Benghazi, so little time. Ben Shapiro at Breitbart has compiled a list of the six biggest
BeFORE the big dinner, King Putz Obama goes golfing again
Tonight, the press will suck up to him at the annual correspondence dinner. But before the press fawns all over
Kerry official: ‘We need another intifada’ against Israel
Lurch John Heinz Kerry is the perfect replacement for Hillary Clinton. Like Obama, Hagel and Samantha Power, Kerry is an
Adam Jentleson – Harry Reid’s Communications Director mocks Benghazi
KOCH BROTHERS! Harry Reid and his Communications Director Adam Jentleson have sunk to a new low. They are mocking the
Leland Yee still on California Secretary of State ballot sample
California sent out their sample ballots for their June primary election, and guess who’s still on it? None other than