In Northern California, you are branded a racist if you have an American flag. In Southern California in the Rialto
You are now racist if you hold American flags near Live Oak HS in Morgan Hill
This is where we’ve come as a country. On ‘Cinco De Mayo’, a Holiday that isn’t even recognized by Mexicans,
Sir Putts Alot Obama declares himself King sitting in Game of Thrones iron throne
The imperial presidency of Barack Hussein Obama has really gone to his head (and ego). Apparently, Obama thinks he’s King
American Legion calls for VA Secretary Eric Shinseki to resign
About time! The American Legion calls for VA Secretary Eric Shinseki to resign. You may remember Shinseki when he was
Iran, China expand military ties to ‘disarm Zionist regime’
In Ukraine, the Jews are being targeted and threatened with their lives if they don’t leave Ukrainian controlled territories. Now,
Jay Carney won’t answer question if Obama willl cooperate Benghazi investigation
Jay Carney was asked by the cackling and laughing media hacks if the Obama regime will cooperate with select committee.
Mooch’s brother Craig Robinson fired as head coach of Oregon State
The only reason why Craig Robinson even got the head coaching job at Oregon State is because of who he’s
Neil Moore Dayton VA Medical Center Shooting Suspect
Neil Moore has been identified as the shooting suspect at the Dayton VA Medical Center in Ohio. Thankfully, no one
Benghazi select committee chair announcement could come Monday
The special committee chair ‘person’ for the Benghazi investigation could be named as soon as Monday, May 5th (Cinco De
BJ and Hillary Clinton BFFs with mosque leader that hosted Muslim Brotherhood
The Clinton’s just love them some Muslim Brotherhood. Not only is Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s top aide a Muslim Brotherhood