Turns out Hillary Clinton didn’t want to bother with cooperating with the FBI even after the latest hack of her
Hillary Clinton campaign hacked!
It’s now been confirmed by Reuters that the Hillary Clinton campaign has been hacked! Just like the DNC and DCCC.
CNN, Wolf Blitzer drink, sing celebrating Hillary Clinton’s Dem nomination
CNN went full blown Clinton News Network last night actually celebrating Hillary Clinton’s Democrat nomination. Wolf Blitzer was seen boozing
What the hell was that ring on Hillary Clinton’s tongue?
Hillary Clinton is creepy, really creepy. But what the hell was that ring on her tongue? What the hell was
Bill Clinton not impressed Hillary Clinton’s speech
You almost want to feel sorry for Bill Clinton (not I said, almost). He’s basically a zombie these days, as
Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee hacked too
After the DNC e-mails were hacked, now comes word that the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee has been hacked too! I’m
Clinton booed, chants of election fraud, Sanders delegates kicked out VIDEO
Ok, we got what we thought. The media is fawning all over Hillary Clinton’s speech as if she is the
Liar, Wikileaks signs as Hillary Clinton gives DNC speech
The media wouldn’t report it, but as Hillary Clinton gave her speech accepting the DNC nomination, protesters were in the
How Bernie Sanders supporters reacted to Hillary Clinton’s speech
As I type this, Hillary Clinton is giving her DNC propaganda speech to a muted arena, after her clump of
Democrats steal American flags from City Hall from convention
If you’ve been watching the DNC clown show this week, you’ve probably noticed the lack of American flags. Democrats hate