Sleepy Joe Biden wasn’t interrupt by his BFF and former Clinton lackey George Stephonapolous. As expected, his town hall was

Sleepy Joe Biden wasn’t interrupt by his BFF and former Clinton lackey George Stephonapolous. As expected, his town hall was
Democrats like clockwork have gone after Amy Coney Barrett’s Catholic faith. No surprise really, because they knew the media will
Actually, you brother marrying, corrupt, tax cheat, Republicans would be totally fine with a Muslim woman (or man) nominated to
Louisiana Senator John Kennedy is probably my favorite Senator right now, right there with Ted Cruz. Sen. Kennedy tells it
Looks like Senile Joe Biden still has his arrogant streak just like Kamala Toe Harris. When asked again, about whether
The Washington Post is really having a fun time with coronavirus today. Earlier they -proudly tweeted out a disgusting piece
Looks like the Alaska hag, Lisa Murkowski is getting backlash for refusing to confirm SCOTUS Justice nominee Amy Coney-Barrett. For
CNN, better known as the fake news network or even China News Network got owned during a live shot at
It’s looking more and more likely that Amy Coney Barrett will be Trump’s pick to replace the corpse of Ruth
I’m shocked, I tell you! Shocked! Willard the rat Romney is actually a YEA pick on Trump’s new SCOTUS pick,