I’m probably one of the few people who didn’t bother watching the Super Bowl yesterday.. Millions around the country did,
Category: Race Hustlers

CNN says OJ Simpson represented something for the black community in that moment (can you guess what?)
Well at least someone is on CNN is being honest for a change. Now that OJ has expired, CNN was

NAACP issued a travel advisory for Florida, saying the state is ‘openly hostile toward African Americans’
Really NAACP? Florida is openly hostile towards African-American people? I mean, I know the NAACP is a race hustling joke,

Why did Benjamin Crump delete this tweet about Sarah Comrie?
Ben Crump is the new Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton of the racial grievance game. He’s a slimy attorney, race hustler and

CNN claims that memes of a black person express a strong emotion, you are wearing ‘digital blackface’
What will these race hustling, always offended media hacks come up with next. If you post memes of black people

Disney+ cartoon The Proud Family: America was built on slavery
I guess Disney wasn’t just satisfied with grooming children, now they are indoctrinating kids to hate America, blame the current

Mondaire Jones – another CNN communist hack (who lost his primary) blames Ron DeSantis for Memphis police beatings
Mondaire Jones a New York Democrat communist hack who couldn’t even win his primary in his deep blue district of

“Scientific American”: Damar Hamlin’s injury and football “violence” disproportionately affects Black men
“Scientific American” has over four million Twitter followers. Then aren’t a parody site, yet actually tweeted an one of their

Nikole Hannah-Jones deletes tweet claiming tipping is a legacy to slavery
Race hustler Nikole Hannah-Jones of the 1619 project and CRT deleted a rather odd tweet she made on March 21st.

Walmart training employees “White is not right”, United States as a “white supremacy system”
Walmart, who gets basically all their products made in communist China is now apparently using critical race theory too train