Will Cain is a blogger over at The Blaze. Cain was put on CNN to debate Sandra Fluke over the
Category: ObamaCARE
Obama’s war on babies continues – one dollar abortions now officially a part of ObamaCARE
Remember when Bart Stupak bragged about how Obama’s “executive order” would prevent ObamaCARE from funding abortion? So much for that.
Obama at $38,500 per head fundraiser – ObamaCARE is the defining issue of our times
Obama headed down to Texas. To Minute Made Park (formerly Enron Field) for a fundraiser hosted by some billionaire, or
Astroturf! Obama organizing prayer vigils outside Supreme Court during hearings on ObamaCARE
Remember Nancy Pelosi’s famous words before the passage of ObamaCARE. “We have to pass the bill so you can find
Obama regime asking for another $111 billion to fund ObamaCARE
You mean ObamaCARE really didn’t cost $787 billion dollars? Oh that’s right. The cost was “adjusted” upward to $858 billion
Wacko Obama HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius – Decrease in humans will cover cost of ObamaCARE contraception mandate
I’m not at all shocked that something like this could come out of the mouth from a far left Marxist
Nimrod Joe Biden admits the Obama regime “screwed up” with the ObamaCARE contraception mandate (Video)
Joe Biden is the worst vice president in American history. It’s only fitting that’s he’s paired with the worst president
Marxist New York Democrat Kathy Hochul admits she doesn’t care about the Constitution that she swore to defend (Video)
Marxist Democrat from New York’s 26th district Kathy Hochul has officially had her Phil Hare moment. Congress critters like Hochul
Americans support religious leaders more than Obama on ObamaCARE contraception mandate according to Gallup
I find it a bit ironic that far left progressive liberal Democrat Marxists claim to be the champion of women’s
Marxist New York Democrat Kathy Hochul booed over ObamaCARE contraception mandate
Remember months ago when Republican Rep. of New York’s 26th district, Chris Lee resigned over his “topless” photos that made