If you like your low fares, you can keep your low fares. Now, even Spirit Airlines is into mocking ObamaCARE.
Category: ObamaCARE
Obama HHS to spend $7 billion on ‘cutting costs’ for ObamaCARE
Leave it to progressive liberal radical Democrats like Obama and Kathleen Sebelius to try and cut costs by spending billions
Enroll America Director Chris Tarango conspires to release private data for political purposes
Meet Chris Tarango, director of Enroll America in Texas. Project Veritas has caught him meeting with several Obamacare Navigators openly
Watch: Healthcare.gov crashes as Kathleen Sebelius meets with navigators in Miami
Kathleen Sebelius was in Miami meeting with ObamaCARE navigators (who could be felons) and what happens? The website crashes. This
Doctors begin complaining about less pay under ObamaCARE
So it begins. There is already a doctor shortage in this country that’s going to get far worse under ObamaCARE.
ObamaCARE gives taxpayer-funded bailouts to insurance companies
Did you know ObamaCARE gives taxpayer funded bailouts to insurance companies to guarantee them a certain profit every year? Conservatives
Aaron Albright, healthcare.gov spokesman ‘wants to murder’ Sony PS4 ads featuring Lou Reed
Meet Aaron Albright, healthcare.gov spokesman and violence tweeter. Albright is the former communications director for the Democrats on the Committee
ObamaCARE literally goes to the dogs in Colorado
ObamaCARE has literally gone to the dogs in Colorado. A man named Shane Smith of Fort Collins, says his dog
DOJ brief – most GROUP plans will be cut by end of year – as many as 80 million will lose health care coverage
If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan if the government allows you to,
Jessica Sanford – ObamaCARE fangirl pissed off she can’t get a tax credit
While Jessica Sanford wasn’t one of the 13 props who stood with Obama during a propaganda press conference last month