Well, there goes another Obama lie. Sgt. Joshua Wheeler became the first American to die while in combat with ISIS.
Category: Terrorism
Diane Reynolds is Chelsea Clinton pseudonym?
Did Chelsea Clinton change her name to Diane Reynolds? In an e-mail ‘with family’ Hillary Clinton e-mailed a Diane Reynolds.
Hillary Clinton coughing fit was so fake VIDEO
Hillary Clinton coughing fit was so fake at the Benghazi hearing. Usually politicians are really good actors. Hillary Clinton wasn’t.
Hillary Clinton laughs about the night of the Benghazi attack
Hillary Clinton found it funny that four Americans were killed in Benghazi. That’s one of things we learned today during
Jim Jordan exposes WA Democrat Adam Smith VIDEO
Ouch. Washington Liberal Democrat Adam Smith is as arrogant and snotty as Hillary Clinton. But he got owned earlier tonight
Hillary Clinton: I didn’t blame video for Benghazi
Not only did Hillary Clinton claim Chris Stevens was joking when he requested more security in Benghazi, she’s not flat
Hillary Clinton: Chris Stevens wanted more security was a joke
Hillary Clinton don’t pound the desk and yell what difference does it make. What Hillary Clinton did do is pull
Hillary Clinton bitchy faces at Benghazi Committee
Hillary Clinton look as presidential as ever with her bitchy facial express at today’s Benghazi Committee hearing. All the boozing
Chris Stevens did not have clintonemail.com address
Hillary Clinton tried to claim what a great friend Chris Stevens was to her. But if he was such a
Monica Lewinsky tip to Hillary Clinton before Benghazi testimony
Monica Lewinsky had some friendly advice and words of confidence for Hillary Clinton before her Benghazi testimony that will be