Nezar Hamze, some call him “Deputy Hamas” is another one of those deputies that work for failed Broward County sheriff
Category: muslims
Call Nikolas Cruz for what he is… a terrorist
Seems the spelling of the first name of yesterday’s Florida shooter has undergone changes. Yesterday, his name was Nicolas, today
Nicolas Jacob Cruz – Florida shooter Instagram page scrubbed
Correction: Early reports of Nikolas Cruz by Breaking 911 and the Miami Herald had identified the shooter as Nicolas De
Three Democrats attended private dinner with Iran’s President and Louis Farrakhan
Three Democrats, including two Muslims, Keith Elison and Andrew Carson attended a secret dinner with Iran’s president and crazy Louis
James Foley ISIS beheaders captured in Syria
Remember after ISIS released that horrible video of beheading American James Foley Obama spoke for a couple of seconds back
Did Mueller Help Cover Up Connections Between Saudis And 9/11?
No wonder the Bush family loves Robert Mueller so much. He may have covered up the connections between Saudi Arabia
Left wing terrorist arrested outside White House with loaded gun inside a vehicle
Yesterday was a really bad day for Democrats and leftists in general. So bad in fact that after Trump rolled
Greyhound bus DACA ‘dreamer’ hostage taker had been deported *5* times!
This story didn’t get much coverage from the corrupt left wing media, as you would expect. A couple of stories
Everitt Aaron Jameson Facebook: Bernie Sanders bro, Democrat
What a shocker, not. According to Everitt Aaron Jameson Facebook page (that has since been scrubbed,) he was a Bernie
Everitt Aaron Jameson Left wing terrorist planned attack in San Francisco at Pier 39
Left wing domestic terrorist Everitt Aaron Jameson has been arrested after it was revealed he planned an ISIS like terrorist