This is this the rat that Obama gave up five Taliban dream team terrorists for? Bowe Bergdahl: Bowe Bergdahl left
Category: muslims
Check out how the Taliban Five is ‘in custody’ in Qatar Video
Wow, the Taliban Five terrorists released from Gitmo in exchange for deserter Bowe Bergdahl really look like they are in
Jay Carney: Taliban aren’t terrorists they’re enemy combatants
Jay Carney is supposed to step down later this month to spend more time with his Soviet propaganda posters. Today
Meet thet Taliban five Gitmo terrorists swapped by Obama
Meet the Taliban Five. All five Muslim terrorists released by Obama to free an American hating solider who walked off
Obama Violates US Law not notifying Congress about Gitmo terrorist swap
Obama, the lawless president violated US law (yet again). When he traded the one American Taliban hostage for five dangerous
Bowe Bergdahl e-mail – ashamed to even be American
Now things are making even more sense why Obama swapped five Gitmo terrorists for Taliban held American Bowe Bergdahl. It
Dude! Hillary Clinton hires Tommy Vietor for Benghazi spin
Dude! How desperate is Hillary Clinton to find people to spin her Benghazi lies that lead to the death of
Hillary Clinton has secret meeting with Obama
Hillary Clinton is getting more scared about Benghazi. She even had a ‘secret’ session with Obama today at the White
Al Qaeda terrorists at Gitmo treated better vets at VA
Obama always said that when the political winds shifted, he would always stand with Muslims. That is proving to be
Elijah Cummings who could go to jail added to Benghazi select committee
Botox Pelosi finally caved and announced the five far left progressive Democrats to be added to Trey Gowdy’s Benghazi select