ISIS is showing off a video of American weapons and humanitarian aide, that was meant for the Kurds, that just
Category: muslims
Obama sends U.S. Humanitarian aid to ISIS
You might have heard over the weekend that humanitarian aid was going to Kurds who were fighting ISIS terrorists in
Muslim beats woman, drags her behind car in Michigan
An angry Muslim beat a woman, stole her purse, and then overpowered her to gain control of a SUV the
Obama and the New York Times lie – No agreement with Turkey on using bases
What a shock. Obama, his Defense Department and the leftist New York Times lied. They all claimed on Sunday that
ISIS using chemical weapons on Kurds
ISIS is apparently using chemical weapons against the Kurds in Syria. I thought it was Bashir al-Aasad who only had
Bowe Bergdahl investigation delayed until after mid-terms
The investigation into deserter Bowe Bergdahl has been delayed, conviently until after the November mid-term elections. Yet again, Obama is
ISIS within 8 miles of Baghdad, grab Abu Ghraib
So much for Obama’s air strikes. ISIS terrorists are now within eight miles of Baghdad, the ultimate prize, and have
Obama may close GITMO and bring terrorists to America via executive order
Regardless of who wins majority control in the Senate next month, Obama has a lot of slimy things up his
At least 10 ISIS terrorist have crossed the US-MEX border
Rep. Duncan Hunter told Greta Van Susteren that at least 10 ISIS terrorists have crossed over the US-Mexico border and
ISIS targets US Air Force pilot’s family online
ISIS is going into cyber jihad now too it seems. According to PJ Tatler, an Air Force pilot posted a