Was ISIS or thi AbuHussainAlBritani (@_AbuHu55ain) Muslim on Twitter behind the Garland terrorist attack at the Muhammad Art Contest in
Category: muslims
Two shot at Muhammad Art Contest in Garland Texas
Two people have been shot in Garland Texas outside of a Muhammad Art Contest put on by Pamela Geller. One
Obama’s JV: ISIS murders 300 Yazidis
ISIS, Obama’s JV strikes again and murders at least 300 Yazidi hostages. Obama’s JV: ISIS murders 300 Yazidis Hundreds of
Anita Najiy Muslim Miami assistant police chief disrespects the US flag
Anita Najiy Muslim Miami assistant police chief apparently doesn’t’ think much of the U.S. Flag or the Pledge of Allegiance.
House Benghazi committee calls on Hillary Clinton to testify week of May 18
What difference at this point does it make? The House Benghazi committtees is calling on Hillary Clinton to testify before
BJ Clinton: ISIS most interesting non-governmental organzation today
The Clinton’s love terrorists. Hillary Rotting Clinton has a Muslim Sisterhood as her main tag along. Bill Clinton sucks up
Mashoor al Sabri Gitmo forever prisoner released
Mashoor al Sabri a one time Gitmo forever prisoner released. This 37-year-old Yemeni terrorist actually met Osama bin Laden and
Muslims storm stage to stop screening of American Sniper
Muslims at Eastern Michigan University, around 35 or so stormed the stage to prevent the screening of American Snip. Eastern
ISIS camp few miles from El Paso Texas in Mexico confirmed
An ISIS camp in Mexico is in full operation in Puerto Palomas just a few miles from El Paso Texas
Ft. Hood victims receive purple hearts, families denied benefits
Finally, after nearly six years since the Fort Hood terrorist attack, purple hearts were awarded to those who died at