Despite the New York Times continued treasonous intel leaks to try and interfer with the Trump agenda, the old gray
Category: New York Times
Jill Filipovic – New York Times has Ossoff meltdown on Twitter
The New York Times hasn’t run any anonymous sourced stories lately. After last night’s flop of Jon Ossoff in Georgia,
New York Times praises Communism
It’s come to this. The New York Times has finally had it’s mask slip off and is outright praising communism.
New York Times wonders: why didn’t Hitler all his Sarin gas?
The left’s fascination with Hitler just never seems to end. The New York Times is so fascinated with the socialist
Fake News: Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Michael Ellis were NOT Nunes sources
The New York Times is at it again. Spreading fake news, claiming that Ezra Cohen-Watnick and Michael Ellis were the
Shocker! New York Times says Democrats must stop being abortion party
I had to do a double take when I saw this. The New York Times has written an opinion piece
New York Times new conspiracy: Trump meets with TMZ founder
OMFG!! This is scandalous! SCANDALOUS! Donald Trump met with TMZ founder Harvey Levin in the White House for a whole
NYT Jan 20, 2017: Wiretapped data used in inquiry of Trump aides
All the news that’s fit to print seems like it doesn’t exist anymore. That is if you read the propaganda
New York Times Kristof begs IRS to release Trump’s taxes on Twitter
The New York Times and their hack writer Nicholas Kristof has gotten so desperate, they are begging the IRS break
New York Times: We don’t know all the facts, but Sessions has to go
This is where we are with journalism in America in the 21st century. The New York Times, failing and losing