The New York Times left wing propaganda hacks Adam Goldman and Nick Confessore earlier claimed that Dana Loesch wanted to
Category: New York Times
NRA spox Dana Loesch reveals leftist perverts love for fisting
NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch cut a new NRA ad, tell the corrupt left wing media (like the New York Times)
CNN insiders rip Jim Acosta antics
It looks like after Jim Acosta’s temper tantrum, he is auditioning for a new show on little watched CNN. That’s
New York Times worried about college student trying to interview reporters
Oh No! The New York is scared! Scared that a college student who wants to interview ‘reporters’ aka propaganda ministers
NY Times white women racist if they don’t move when a black man is in their path
Usually, the New York Times and other liberal propaganda rags blame white males for being racists. Now, it’s white women
New York Times gets rid of another 100 ‘reporters’
The New York Times death panel took out another 100 hack reporters. They were bought out of their contracts in
NYT Glenn Thrush: Rand Paul is a Russian spy because his dad appears on RT
Oh looks like we have a new Russian spy according to the New York Times’ Glenn Thrush. That would be
New York Times Louise Mensch: Bannon and Trump will get death penalty
When it comes to cray cray, no one seems to top limey Louise Mensch. She is a writer for the
New York Times hires ‘professionals’ to analyze Trump handshakes
First it’s CNN with with a headline entitled: A second-by-second analysis of the Trump-Macron handshake, now it’s the New York
More fake news: Only 4, not 17 intel agencies approved ‘Russia Hacking’
While the media obsesses over left wing hack Mika Brzezinski and her bloody face lift, another one of their narratives