Seems even Republican senators are getting tired of fake Jake Tapper and fake news CNN. Chuck Grassley of Iowa schooled
Category: CNN
Anthony Scaramucci offers to bring CNN Jake Tapper Kleenex
LOL! Even though Anthony Scaramucci has some question policy positions in the past and even removed tweets about it, the
Protests at CNN HQs in Atlanta
Here’s something CNN wouldn’t talk about. Protests outside of their head quarters building in Atlanta by people tried of their
Poor Sean Spicer…CNN says it’s not hiring him
Sean Spicer will get plenty of job offers after he leaves the White House in August. One place that wouldn’t
CNN Chris Cillizza Breaking News: Trump doesn’t own a pet
From the CNN hack who brought us OMGOMGOMGOMFGOMG after he thought the Polish First Lady ignored Donald Trump comes yet
Sean Spicer still lasted longer than George Stephanopoulos
The media is in meltdown. Sean Spicer lasted six months on the job. The way the corrupt media is treating
CNN Breaking News: total number of tweets in Trump first six months
If you have a CNN app on your phone or tablet, I feel sorry for you. It’s a big battery
Remember when Fake Jake Tapper wrote for crazy left wing Salon?
Even after all his fake news, bitter interviews with Trump officials and constant drum beat of Russia Russia Russia, some
Racist, homophobic, rape joking CNN reporter will not be reprimanded
Rashard Elijah, a CNN reporter who liked making rape jokes and used racist and homophobic slurs on Twitter was forced
More CNN fake news: Claims Russia hacked Qatar (it was UAE)
No matter what it is with CNN, they have Russia on their mind and the fake news continue to pour