Is it ever a progressive liberal Democrat’s fault? Apparently not, as CNN hack Don Lemon is claiming it’s not Jussie
Category: CNN
CNN staffers ‘demoralized’ after hiring of Sarah Isgur Flores
Sarah Isgur Flores was Mr. Magoo, aka Jeff Sessions’ spokeswoman until Trump finally wisened up and kicked Sessions out to
Oh no! CNN got a photo of Trump at an omelette bar
First it was the two scoops of ice cream. Then it was Trump’s Diet Coke drinking. Now CNN has really
CNN admits to watching R-Kelly underage sex tape held by Michael Avenatti
I knew Avenatti and CNN were low and pathetic. But this is just beyond low for both CNN and Avenatti.
CNN now comparing Trump to dogs
First it was the two scoops of ice cream that CNN whined about. Then they complained about how many Diet
State of the Union grand slam: Both CNN and CBS polls show over 75 percentage approval for Trump
Looks like, no matter how much the media and Democrats try to poo poo the State of the Union address
Metadata shows CNN obtained indictment of Roger Stone leaked by FBI
As if we needed anymore proof that the FBI leaked the Roger Stone raid and indictment to CNN, here is
Fake news! CNN labels Ralph Northam a Republican
Oops. They did it again! Fake News CNN tried to fool the two or three viewers they have and labeled
FBI framed shots of Roger Stone for CNN
Think what you want of Roger Stone, but the whole pre-dawn raid charade last week, in which the information was
Who knew? CNN Jake Tapper is a homophobe!
You would think, being surrounded by gays like Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon, fake Jake Tapper would develop at least