CNN hack Chris Cuomo is a big liberal Democrat hack. Just like his brother Governor of New York and his
Category: CNN
Jake Tapper mysteriously disappears from Clinton Foundation website
Turns out CNN’s Jake Tapper who was listed on the Clinton Foundation website has suddenly disappeared. A lot of conservatives
CNN: Star Wars more Islamic than ISIS
According to CNN, Star Wars movies are more Islamic than ISIS. This isn’t April Fools day either. CNN really tweeted
Marc Lamont Hill of CNN calls free speech disgusting
Marc Lamont Hill, a far left professor and CNN contributor doesn’t exactly like free speech. In fact, Hill thinks free
CNN Brooke Baldwin blames Baltimore Riots on Veterans ‘Ready to Do Battle’ VIDEO
As the corrupt left wing media continues to grasp for straws to place blame for the Baltimore Riots, a new
#FreddieGray protesters surround police cruiser in Baltimore
Black thugs in Baltimore are starting up again over the Freddie Gray killing. They are starting up in Baltimore, and
Video: Freddie Gray protesters cuss out CNN
Freddie Gray protesters in Baltimore aren’t happy CNN is there trying to co-op their protest against the police. Check out
Black protesters shouting profanity for Freddie Gray
freddie Gray, a black man who died from a spinal injury after being arrested by cops in Baltimore. The Freddie
Clinton News Network whining about Clinton Cash book
Quick! Someone call the wambulance for Carol Costello and CNN aka the Clinton News Network. The book Clinton Cash: The
CNN: Hillary Clinton’s campaign launch was brilliant
CNN, the Clinton News Network is really in love with HIllary Clinton. So much so that they have an article