Bob Schieffer, the old CBS leftist coot is showing signs of his age. Today on Face the Nation, Bob Schieffer
Category: CBS News
ABC, CBS & CNN top executives all have siblings or spouses working directly for Obama
Well this explains the media’s Benghazi cover-up and the tongue baths for Obama on a daily basis. Turns out that
Yet again CBS heavily oversamples Democrats D+6 likely voters (D+13 overall) Obama only up by 3 – Romney by 11% with independents
Mitt Romney must be in better shape than I realized. After yesterday’s NBC poll in Ohio with sampling of D+10
Priorities! CBS hack Norah O’Donnell whines to Paul Ryan about his ‘marathon’ time (Video)
Forget the big stuff like $16 trillion in national debt that we hit this past week. Forget all about the
Bias? CBS CEO and chairman Les Moonves attends Obama fundraiser in Los Angeles
Shhh. No bias at CBS. Move along, nothing to see here. Want to know why CBS has been covering up
ObamaFAIL! Obama hits record low approval on left wing biased CBS/New York Times poll
Slip slidin’ away. All the media’s propaganda with those whole faux war on women bullsh*t has blown up in Obama’s
CBS hack Charlie Rose whines to Newt Gingrich that he’s questioning Obama’s patriotism (Video)
Obama has no American patriotism. Obama may have patriotism for the Mullahs in Iran, but he has absolutely none for this country.
Rick Santroum destroys CBS hack Bob Schieffer over false claims of his dead infant son being stillborn (Video)
How low will left wing hacks like Bob Schieffer go to cover for Obama? They make false claims about a GOP
Rick Santorum obliterates CBS left wing hack Charlie Rose (Video)
It seems Foster Friess comment that made Andrea Mitchell speechless for a few seconds has really touched a nerve with the corrupt, left