Court filings, being leaked by the corrupt DHS reveal yet another change to the Paul Pelosi attack story. Now they

Court filings, being leaked by the corrupt DHS reveal yet another change to the Paul Pelosi attack story. Now they
And now, yet another new drop from the Paul Pelosi attack story. The leftist nudist hippie David Depape from Canada
Yep. Totally a MAGA guy. David Depape’s neighbor was interviewed in Berkeley over the weekend as people tried to find
The media, in their rush to gaslight and spread misinformation about hippie nudist David Depape and Paul Pelosi has been
The media knows that Democrats are toast in the midterm elections. So they keep trying to use the attack Paul
Let’s see. David Depape’s so called “life partner” was radical nudist and Marxist Gypsy Oxane Taub. She was born in
Slowly the story changes about David Depape (a San Francisco/Berkeley nudist) who allegedly hammered Paul Pelosi in his home. Now
This San Francisco version of Smollett 2.0 with Paul Pelosi and David DePape just doesn’t add it. The media and
David Depape, the nudist Green Party nut job who attacked Paul Pelosi in his house was also sent to the
So far the media has tried to make David Depape out to be some sort of “MAGA extremist” targeting the