I knew Tucker Carlson’s numbers would blow Faux’s GOP clown debate out of the water last night, but wow.. I
Category: Latest Ramblings

Arizona parents protest transgender anti-privacy rules
Oh look. People in Arizona that voted for Joe Biden in 2020 and communist Mark Kelly for Senate and Cartel
Woke Dick’s Sporting Goods profits crash, blames “organized retail theft”
Wait, I thought all the smash and grab looting was just for equity or something because the people doing are

Who gets bigger ratings tonight? Tucker Carlson Twitter-X interview with Trump or the RINO GOP debate on Fox?
So tonight, at 9pm Eastern, you have the Tucker Carlson/Donald Trump interview on Twitter/X and the RINO GOP in Milwaukee
“Rich Men North of Richmond” debuts at #1 on Billboard Hot 100 songs chart
Not bad for someone described by the arrogant, smug left who refers to Oliver Anthony as a dumb redneck. Rich

Brit “journalist” Jane Dalton of Independent says new COVID wave has begun, wear masks
After disappearing for months, the Branch Covidians are coming out of the wood work again. One particular Branch Covidians is
Oliver Anthony predicts US will not last ‘more than another generation’ unless country changes course
The latest country music star that’s triggering the left is at it again speaking the truth. Oliver admits, that unless
Look what happened to Dodger Stadium from Hillary (after hosting drag queens mocking Christanity, God
Hurricane Hilary turned out to be over hyped just like expected. There were some floods in Southern California, but it

Now there are bad wildfires in Kelowna, British Columbia
Is anyone else a little suspicious of all this crap that’s happening. From the toxic train derailments, to the wildfires

Now the tap water in Maui is unsafe, as Biden vacations
Fundamental transformation.. This is what Obama let out of the closet in 2008, and now it’s happening in Maui. Joe