For those of you who actually care about Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, it has been announced that he is going
Category: Latest Ramblings
Flights grounded at LAX, Burbank and McCarran airport
All flights out of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), McCarran Airport (LAS), Bob Hope Airport in Burbank and John Wayne
CSX Corp train derailed in Lynchburg, Virginia on fire and carrying crude oil
A CSX Corporation train has derailed in Lynchburg Virginia, and caught on fire. The train that derailed in Lynchburg was
Jay Carney tries to deny bombshell e-mails are about Benghazi, fails miserably
Time for Jay Carney and his ABC hack wife Claire Shipman to hang another USSR poster in their house. When
Associated Press ignores bombshell Benghazi e-mail
Associated Press doesn’t seem interested in bombshell Benghazi e-mail that revealed the filthy Obama regime sought to insulate Obama from
Illinois Democrat Keith Farnham bragged about molesting 6-Year-Old girl
These Democrats like them young. Keith Farnham, another poster boy of the progressive liberal Democrat party of America bragged about
Donald Sterling’s political donations
Donald Sterling’s political donations follow a pattern. See if you notice it. Donald Sterling’s political donations 1989 – Donald Sterling
Pitiful leftists blame global warming for mid-west tornadoes
Never let a good crisis go to waste. That’s the progressive liberal Democrat way. Even after numerous deaths, millions of
Did Weeper Boehner get J.D. Winteregg fired over Electile Dysfunction ad?
J.D. Winteregg, a GOP primary challenger to Weeper Boehner released an epic campaign ad bashing the Weeper of the House
Obama’s EPA going to regulate wood-burning fireplaces out of existence
Obama’s nut job EPA is set to go after wood-burning fireplaces next. Obama’s EPA (via Gina McCarthy) is going to