Don’t you just love how progressive liberals are always lecturing the country about hold the GOP is against equal pay
Category: Latest Ramblings
Planned Parenthood withheld info on rape
Your tax dollars at work. Not only do your tax dollars fund the abortion mill Planned Parenthood, but they also
Ben Sasse – Tea Party-backed candidate crushes establishment GOP in Nebraska primary
Ben Sasse, a tea party candidate (endorsed by Sarah Palin among others) absolutely crushed the establishment Karl Rove GOP RINOs
Shelley Moore Capito faces Marxist Natalie Tennant for West Virginia Senate
I one big yawner of a primary, the expected results came true. GOP Shelley Moore Capito will face far left
Progressive food ideas – Democrat Joe Garcia enjoys his own tasty ear wax (Video)
Progressive liberals want to control the food you eat. One of new tasty delicacies is your own ear wax as
Sharia loving Sultan of Brunei hires Clinton PR hack
So who does the Sultan of Brunei, the Sharia Law loving Muslim with his own personal harem hire for Beverly
Democrat donor Donald Sterling claims Magic Johnson has AIDS
You Democrat donors really aren’t too bright are you? Donald Sterling in his pitiful CNN interview with Anderson Cooper bashed
Bill O’Reilly defends Hillary Clinton on Benghazi (Video)
Bill O’Reilly has done enough Obama butt kissing to make sure he landed two softball Super Bowl interviews with him.
Jay-Z gets the snot beat out of him by Beyonce’s sister Solange
Well done Solange! The sister of Beyonce beat the crap out of Jay-Z for some unknown reason. TMZ has the
Man, conservatives are just all old white men huh?
You know the same line over and over again. The GOP and conservatives are nothing but a bunch of angry,