For some reason, leftist nut jobs think the country is interested in a no talent, seventh round draft pick. Progressives
Category: Latest Ramblings
Oh the irony.. Remember what Obama said in 2007 executive orders?
Obama is such a lying hypocrite. Lets take a stroll down memory lane to 2007 when Obama decided to begin
Debbie Wassermann Schultz gets drunk, goes Instagramming
Democrats love to get drunk, like Hillary Clinton. It looks like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz who’s famous for having staffers that make
Democrat donor Donald Sterling wouldn’t pay NBA Fine
Looks like Democrat donor and racist Donald Sterling wouldn’t be paying the NBA imposed $2.5 million fine for racist comments.
Free United States Marine, Andrew Tahmooressi rally at Mexican consulates May 19
Tomorrow is the big Operation American Spring rally. But on Monday, May 19th, there will be rallies all over the
Obama hashtag diplomacy – #bringbackmyballs
As if Michelle Obama’s idiotic hashtag diplomacy wasn’t bad enough, now even Hussein Obama is getting into the act with
Figures.. Obama fails to mention Islam, Muslim, Islamist, Al-Qaeda during 9-11 Museum Dedication
Obama once again pleased his progressive liberal PC base as well as CAIR by failing to mention Islam, Muslim, Islamist
Old drunk Hillary Clinton took six months to recover from her fall
What difference at this point does it make? The old, drunk hag and Butcher of Benghazi Hillary Clinton took six
Obama’s FCC pushes ahead on Net Neutrality despite being stricken down by courts
Obama, the lawless president and his band of law breakers at the FCC are ignoring court rulings negating Net Neutrality,
Casey Kasem found in Washington state
For those following the Casey Kasem story and his mysterious disappearance, he’s finally been located in the state of Washington.