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Category: Latest Ramblings
Obamas have spent over $44 million just on travel
It’s good to be King. Hussein Obama and his mooch of a wife have spent over $44 million tax payer
Obama FEC to require all online videos to have closed captioning
What’s next? Online video clips in braille? The Obama FEC is set to rule next week that all online video
As 300,000 illegals flood America, Obama goes golfing
It doesn’t matter if there’s a border crisis with 300,000 diseased illegals flooding America. It also doesn’t matter that middle
ISIS has ties to Mexican drug lords
And the news just keeps getting better and better. Not only are hundreds of thousands flooding our borders, looking to
McDaniel campaign now has 4900 double votes for Cochran
You want to know why GOPe hacks like Haley Barbour and his kid are pissing themselves? One reason is probably
Josh Earnest spins why Obama pays women less than men
Women in the Obama regime make on average 88 cents on the dollars to what men make. Yet the hypocritical
Return to sender! Illegals shipped to California blocked by protesters
Obama’s illegal alien dumping in the country has gotten so bad that even people in Calfornia are fed up! People
War monger Obama sends another 200 troops to Iraq
Obama loves to claim how he ‘ended’ the Iraq war. What you are seeing in Iraq today is a result
Bow before your ruler Valerie Jarrett!
If you thought it was strange that Valerie Jarrett has Secret Service protection, and seems to be holding the strings