Despite unreported, secret talks with terror organization Hamas over the last six months between Obama and Valerie Jarrett, Hamas kidnapped
Category: Latest Ramblings
27 people dead as terrorist shoot up Mpeketoni Kenya
Terrorists are going wild all over the world. At least 27 were killed in Mpeketoni Kenya. The Muslim terrorists shot
This cartoon proves Obama right about Al-Qaida being on the run
Obama is right after all. Al Qaida really has been on the run over the last few years. They’ve especially
Obama VA in Fresno blocks Fox News
Not only does Obama’s VA deny veterans life safing medical care, they also censor the programs veterans could watch while
Obamas Staying with gay couple on vacation
Reggie Love must be jealous. While Obama vacations in Palm Springs as the world is on fire, Barry Hussein is
Iran now invading Iraq Obama worried it’s too politically sensitive to evacuate the Baghdad US embassy
Iran is now invading Iraq, and the US embassy in Baghdad still isn’t being evacuated? Why? Because Obama is worried
New York Slimes – You know why Obama’s economy sucks? We need a major war
Progressive liberals are so funny. They always claim they hate war, yet they starter the Vietnam war and voted to
Taliban Five Mohammad Fazi linked to 9-11 attacks
Treasonous Obama may not have only given millions of tax payer dollars to free the Taliban Five, but now it
Obama to vacation in Palm Springs with world on fire
Poor Obama. He must be so tired from completely destroying everything that was accomplished in Iraq. As ISIS (Al Qaeda)
I hate to agree with John McCain on anything, but this I do
I think the only time i ever agreed with crusty old John McCain was when he picked Sarah Palin as