Obama had more to say about the death of Saudi King Abdullah then he did for the Paris terrorism victims.
Category: Latest Ramblings
Crown Prince Salman new King of Saudi Arabia
Crown Prince Salman new King of Saudi Arabia after the death of King Abdullah. What started as rumors on Twitter
Saudi Arabia King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz dead?
Saudi Arabia King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz dead? That’s the latest rumor going around on social media. Saudi-owned channels broadcasting Q'ran,
Obama to restore U.S. embassy in Cuba without congress
Jimmy Carter tried, and failed to reestablish a US Embassy in Havana Cuba. So who better than Jimmy Carter 2.00
Obama paid $490 million in cash assets to Iran
Iranian born Valerie Jarrett is pulling the strings behinds the scenes Yesterday Obama gave Iran $490 million in cash assets,
Obama success story – Yemen president, cabinet resign
Just a few months ago Obama proclaimed Yemen to be a big success story for his foreign policy. Today, Iran’s
Center for American Progress won’t account $5 million in donations
Obama lackey John Podesta who founded the far left Center for American Progress is about as transparent as Obama. The
Rebekah Erler former Patty Murray Democratic staffer, Obama pawn
Rebekah Erler was hyped by Obama and the media last night as an economic ‘success’ story. But what Obama and
Christian school shut down because pupil don’t know what Muslim is
Durham Free School, a Christian school in the UK has been shut down. What do you ask? Durham Free School,
Boehner invites Netanyahu to speak before Congress, Obama mad
You made Obama bro? Boehner announced today that he is inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress next