Social Security is expected to be broke in a few days. But who cares when you can waste at last
Category: Latest Ramblings
More Seattle restaurants close because of $15 minimum wage
Congratulations you leftist idiots in Seattle! As the April 1st $15 minimum age approaches in Seattle, even more restaurants are
Barry and Mooch take separate planes to California
Barack Hussein Obama jetted off the California yesterday to tape an unfunny episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live. Michelle Obama also
ObamaNET net neutrality rules finally made public
ObamaNET is here. Net Neutrality was passed by Democrats at the FCC and not a single Republican in Congress did
Hours before cop ambush: eD Schultz ‘lets disarm cops’
Hey, here’s an idea. Let’s disarm cops! That would have worked so well last night in Ferguson when two St.
Child Josh Earnest unfollows Eric Bolling for DMing on Twitter
Josh Earnest, Obama’s propaganda minister unfollowed Fox News’ Eric Bolling on Twitter for daring to direct message him a question.
Remember when John Kerry violated the Logan Act in 1985?
John Kerry, Obama, Hillary Clinton and their surrogates in the left wing media have been hammering the 47 Republicans who
Portsmouth Virginia leftist judge forces removal of American flag
In Portsmouth Virginia, a leftist judge forces removal of American flag from a courthouse, because ‘if they allowed one display
Ferguson police chief Tom Jackson to resign
Ferguson police chief Tom Jackson is set to resign as he becomes the latest victim of Eric Holder’s witch hunt.
Tatsuhiko Hirano allegedly stabs five to death in Japan
Tatsuhiko Hirano, a 40-year-old unemployed man was arrested for allegedly attacking five to death in the Japanese city of Sumoto.