Warren Weinstein, an American hostage being held in Pakistan was ‘accidentally’ killed by an Obama drone strike back in January.
Category: Latest Ramblings
Woman detained at Laguardia after hands tested positive for something
This is odd. James O’Keefe is reporting that woman was detained at Laguardia after her hands tested positive for ‘something.’
Obama US Marshal destroys woman’s cellphone in South Gate
Apparently, Obama’s US Marshals don’t like being video taped by the public. In South Gate, a few miles from Los
Elizabeth Warren lashes back at Obama over TPP
Elizabeth Warren is on the warpath against Obama and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. Yesterday, on ‘hardball’ Obama called Chief
MSNBC – the place for tax cheats now including Touré Neblett and Joy-Ann Reid
Add two more MSNBC leftist nut jobs to the list of tax cheats employed by that network. Touré Neblett and
Weeper Boehner kisses Pelosi (again)
Wasn’t bad enough Weeper Boehner planted a big wet drunk kiss on Pelosi when the new Congress started and he
California dumping trillions of gallons of fresh water to protect Delta Smelt
All you hear in the news (aside from the bashing of Republicans) is about the ‘historic’ California drought. Rain and
ROTC cadets forced to wear high heels for feminist consciousness-raising
Temple University Army ROTC cadets were forced to walk in high heel women shoes for feminist consciousness-raising. The event that
Jon Leibowitz Stewart finally done August 6th
Finally, Jon Liebowitz Stewart is leaving the airwaves. The day will be August 6th, and now dumb, low information progressives
Obama has proposed 442 tax increases since taking office
Did you know Obama has proposed a whopping 442 tax increases since his reign of terror began in 2009? Add