Obama sits and picks his nose, Heinz Kerry is urging ‘unitity’ in the middle east, and ISIS is grabbing even
Category: ISIS
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Muslim terrorist group.
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi released by Obama in 2009
All the be-headings, all the targeting of Christians and Jews, all the chaos in Iraq right now is all on
So why didn’t the NSA know about the ISIS caliphate?
So we have the NSA that is funded with billions of tax dollars every year. They spy on our phone
ISIS executes judge who sentenced Saddam Hussein to death
Rauf Rashid Abd al-Rahman, the judge who sentenced Saddam to death back in 2006 was reportedly executed by Obama and
ISIS demanding Christians pay Sharia Tax
How progressive of the ISIS Muslim terrorists! They are demanding Christians in Iraq by a Sharia Tax, or leave the
ISIS now mocking America with #bringbackourhumvees
Remember that stupid #Bringbackourgirls hashtag in which Michelle Obama had a sad face and held up a sign that went
Obama gives Syrian ISIS Toyota trucks and 65,000 MRE
Isn’t it great to know that your tax dollars are funding ISIS terrorists? Hussein Obama quietly (without media coverage) gave
ISIS puts out photo of members chillin’ with John McCain In Syria
Isn’t it nice to know that the US government is talking out of one side of their mouths and doing
Warmonger Obama sending 300 military advisers to Iraq
Obama had another media fawning press conference today, announcing that he is sending another 300 ‘military advisers’ to Iraq. Obama
Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia funding ISIS
There are rumors that Obama and other ‘western’ countries are privately funding ISIS. THis wouldn’t surprise me since they want