In yet another preview of what a communist Joe Biden reign of terror would look like, the Second Amendment is
Category: Gun Control
McCloskey family offered free rifles from 50 people online after St. Louis takes their’s for defending their home
Apparently now, you can’t even defend yourself. Own a rifle, get it taken away without even firing a shot. That’s

2.3 million guns sold in March, a new record!
There’s a reason why fasco-communist Democrats have moved quickly to shut down gun stores all over the country. The fact

Gun and ammo sales surge as coronavirus hysteria spreads
One area of the economy that’s doing even better than before the onset of the Chinese virus hysteria is gun

Tens of thousands turn out in Richmond to protest gun grabbing Democrats
Looks like more people turned out today in Richmond, Virginia to protest gun grabbing Democrats plan to disarm legal gun

MSNBC Gabe Gutierrez cussed out for distorting facts at Richmond, Virginia pro-gun rally (VIDEO)
So far, the leftist hacks covering the pro gun rally in Richmond, Virginia have been very disappointed. AntiFA hasn’t been

Anti cop leftist shoots, kills two police officers in Honolulu Hawaii
Over in left wing Tulsi-land, Honolulu, Hawaii, an anti-cop leftist went on a rampage shooting and killing two police officers,

It begins… Virginia Democrats introduce new gun and ammo bans
People have been warning about this for weeks, and now it looks like it’s about to begin. With Marxist Democrats

Rachel Maddow thinks the NRA is imploding or something
The “star” of MSNBC’s left wing communist propaganda outfit is always made out to be so smart, brilliant and educated.
Robert Francis O’Rourke gets owned in Colorado over gun confiscation
This is so awesome. Seems the burglar and hit and runner Robert Francis O’Rourke is in Colorado today campaigning. A