They try to do it in secret, but their treason always rises to the top. Connecticut socialist Democrat Senator Chris
Category: General Politics
Elizabeth Warren caught getting off private jet in New Hampshire – because, CLIMATE CHANGE!
Don’t you just love limousine liberals who lecture you about so called “climate change”. Elizabeth Warren, the fake injun, who
Ilhan Omar Says ‘We Must Stop Detaining’ Illegal Immigrants
Directly from the anti-Semitic, homewrecker, tax cheat and pass immigration fraudster, Ilhan Omar is now demanding that the US stop
An Iranian girl from within Iran sends a message to Pelosi
To the surprise of no one, except maybe rubes on the left and the media, Nancy Pelosi defended the Iranian
Iran has gone from chanting death to America to death to the Ayatollah
It’s amazing how quickly things can change in Iran. Just a week or so ago, the people of Iran were
Botox drunk Pelosi defends Iran mullahs from protesters
Leave it to the botox drunk Nancy Pelosi to defend the Iranian dictators like the Ayatollah from the thousands of
Ukraine demands punishment for Iran plane downing
While the American media and Democrat continue to blame America for Iran shooting down a Ukrainian passenger jet and killing
Britain ambassador to Iran arrested during protests
Now that the terrorist Iranian mullahs no not to fuck with this country, they are back to their old tricks
Iran uses Democrat talking points to blame America for them shooting down Ukrainian passenger jet
After it took the filthy Iranian regime days to finally admit they shot down the Ukrainian passenger jet (after lying
Obama should apologize for shameful cash payment to Iran
Let’s all remember how Iran was able to afford the hundreds of terrorist attacks against American troops and the Russian