Your tax dollars will be at work, spending to house illegal immigrants at hotels in Texas and Arizona thanks to
Category: General Politics
Durbin claims he’s close to 60 votes for amnesty for illegal “Dreamers” (at least 10 Republicans)
Looks like the cheap labor Republicans are getting ready to sell us out again. According Illinois communist Democrat, DICK Durbin,
These nine “Republicans” voted in the House to give amnesty to “Dreamers”
Seems that some so called “Republicans” in the House are aiding and abetting the child trafficking going on at the
Families trapped at the border say Biden betrayed them
As the border crisis worsens and worsens, illegal immigrants are growing more angry with Joe Biden, despite somehow being given
More illegal immigrants coming as Mayorkas promises to expand economic migration
Despite the thousands of illegal immigrants who have already flooded the southern border, some of who are carrying diseases and
Does this qualify as kids in cages yet?
Biden was so effective putting illegal immigrant kids in cages back in 2014, the corrupt media used those photos to
Even Mexico is fed up with Biden and his illegal immigrant crisis
It’s bad enough border states have to deal with the illegal immigrant border crisis created by communist Biden and the
Illegal immigrant kids being held in jail-like facilities says the NY Times
The illegal immigrant crisis at the border is getting worse and worse. Joe Biden purposely opened the borders to thousands
108 illegal immigrants in Texas who tested positive for COVID reportedly released
Not only is dementia Joe Biden smearing Texans as “Neanderthal thinking” for ending their mask mandate and business shut downs,
Worthless Republicans to unveil their own amnesty plan next week
Who needs Democrats when you got Republcans farming for cheap labor? Not only do communist Democrats want to give amnesty