More government waste has ended under Trump. The hoax of global warming which actually had an advisory panel has been
Category: General Politics
Chicago Democrats vote to boycott, sanction Israel, chant for it’s destruction
Chicago Democrat socialists (which are basically all in the same) had a conference this past weekend to boycott, sanction and
CNN hack Jim Acosta thinks only Great Britain and Australia speak English, gets destroyed
CNN and hack Jim Acosta doesn’t think much about immigrants that don’t come from either Great Britain or Australia. According
Suddenly Paul Ryan is bullish on border wall
Paul Ryan, aka Lyin’ Ryan is suddenly bullish on a US-Mexico border wall. I guess election season 2018 is about
Jeff Sessions shift to Secretary of Homeland Security?
Here’s something interesting that I’ve been seeing on social media and even on Fox yesterday. Could the appointing of John
Illegal alien deported 20 times rapes 65-year-old woman
This one may be a record. In liberal, sanctuary city Portland, Oregon, an illegal alien, deported 20 times raped a
Palestinian terrorists murder three Israelis during Shabbat Dinner – media silent
Here’s another story being ignored by the Palestinian terrorist loving media. Three Israelis were murdered in their home during Shabbat
Priorities! Senate comes up with illegal alien ‘Dreamer’ bill
The lazy Senate still can’t confirm all of Trump’s cabinet position. In fact at the Senate’s current pace, it would
John Bolton: Trump must withdraw fro Iran nuke deal NOW!
During the campaign, Trump promised to rip up the horrible Iran nuke deal between Hussein Obama and the mullahs in
Which seven House Republicans voted against Kate’s Law?
It’s kind of amazing that anyone would vote against stronger criminal charges against an illegal alien who had previously been