Great news! Egypt is no longer an ally according to Obama! They always were when Hosni Mubarak was in power.
Category: Middle East
Mitt Romney statement: outraged over Muslim attacks in Egypt and Libya, Say’s Obama’s sympathizing with those who waged the attacks ‘disgraceful’
Finally! I’m so tired of seeing Mitt Romney (and for that matter Paul Ryan) stay on the sidelines as Obama
Thanks Obama! Protesters storm U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt (Video)
So how’s that Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt that Obama supported working out for ya? If you are in the
Oh great – deal close to bail out Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood government $1 billion debt
Tomorrow, America’s national debt will hit a staggering $16 TRILLION. So what does Obama and the Muslim suckup regime do?
Obama will ask Congress to ‘reimburse’ Pakistan $1.2 billion for counterinsurgency operations carried out by troops
First Hillary Clinton apologizes to Pakistan for America, now Obama wants to ‘reimburse’ Pakistan a cool $1.2 billion (of your
Obama quickly congratulates Mohammed Morsi on his Muslim Brotherhood victory in Egypt
Why am I not surprised. Many people said this is what Obama wanted all along, and I don’t doubt it.
Rand Paul and Michele Bachmann send letter to Hillary Clinton urging delay on aid to Egypt
Today Kentucky Senator Rand Paul and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann issued a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The
Hamid Karzai gives America the middle finger again – says get the troops out of Afghan villages
There are a few interesting things learned over the past few days in Afghanistan. Obama and/or Leon Panetta is forcing
Leon Panetta afraid of our Marines now, has them disarm before speech
I don’t remember Leon Panetta being this big of a nut back in 1990s with Bill Clinton or when he
Warmonger John McCain wants air strikes on Syria now
Is Syria an ally of America? No. Is Syria a threat to our few allies in the middle east? No